Meet the Confident Girl Club Founder, Steph

Hi Beauty, my name is Stephanie Anne (call me Steph for short) I’m a devoted mommy, wife, daughter, friend, and sister.

Family is the cornerstone of my world, and their presence means everything to me. In the realm of real estate residential communities, I thrive as a mortgage business developer, helping individuals realize their homeownership dreams. 

My journey into empowering women started when I recognized the significance of unity among women—how it fuels growth, self-improvement, success in any field, and above all, the power of mutual upliftment. The allure of being surrounded by all women who collaboratively pursue their aspirations, with strong minds and a commitment to self-development, has always captivated me.

Confident Girl Club emerged and transformed into a triumphant movement. My role as the host of a dynamic girls book club ignited the spark that lit the fire of transformation. What followed was history in the making—week after week, we gathered & show up wholeheartedly for one another. Confident Girl Club transcends my individual efforts. United by an unyielding drive for self-improvement, we journey together towards our best version—for ourselves, our families, and the sisterhood we nurture.

Welcome to the Confident Girl Club—where empowerment and sisterhood flourish, and every woman finds her place in a tapestry of strength, growth, and shared aspirations.

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